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Present in integrators
Apix Drive

Integrators are systems that integrate various SaaS solutions by API. If the platform is in the integrators, then you can easily link this system with any other system that is in the same integrator

In the free offer, you can use a limited number of service functions, but for an unlimited amount of time, and in the trial period you can use the entire set of platform functions, but for a limited period.

Buyer's guide to choosing a platform for task management

What is task management?  
Task management is more than a to-do list. It means tracking tasks from beginning to end, delegating subtasks to teammates, and setting deadlines to make sure projects get done on time. Task management software, empowers teams to work more productively and efficiently.

Why do you need team task management software?    

Do you waste time organizing sticky notes, searching your email and to-do lists, and figuring out what to work on first? Then you need one solution to prioritize your tasks, manage your time, and meet your deadlines.
Does it collaborate the way you do?   
One of the most useful and sought after functions for a task management software is its collaborative capabilities. The tool you choose should be one that helps get your team on the same page. When choosing a tool, think about how your team likes to communicate and be able to translate that communication style to the software companies when discussing their product features.

 How will it assist with project planning? 

Look for a task management software that offers real-time project updates. This will allow you to make sure everything is on track and no “balls” are being dropped along the way. The most effective collaboration management tools allow you to schedule and assign tasks and give you updates on their completion throughout the lifecycle of the project.

 Does it offer a clean visual layout?   How does it lend to structuring your project?

Teams can be resistant to new tools and software, especially if there’s a learning curve. Keep an eye out for project management tools that are user-friendly to eliminate the barrier to entry from team members.
Look for a program that uses a dashboard with visual boards to help separate projects. These interfaces tend to be a little less intimidating than large Excel spreadsheets and/or emails coming from every direction, so team members are more likely to adapt to them.
 How does it lend to structuring your project?

The most efficient projects operate with structure – and so does the best task management software. Seek out a program that allows you to structure your projects into phases (with subtasks), but provides room for flexibility. Each project is unique, and hiccups are inevitable, so seek out a project management software that is as agile as your team.

How well does it integrate with your other tools? 

Your company already has tools it loves. When discussing a new overarching software, it’s a good idea to see how it functions with your existing ones. Figuring this out usually just requires a few questions from the software’s sales rep. Don’t miss this step, or else you’ll have to dismantle the things that are already working within your business.

What’s the shareability like?

Project management is a highly collaborative endeavor that involves communication across teams and companies. When choosing a program for managing projects, it’s important to choose something that allows you to communicate and share with team members, clients, and any other relevant stakeholders.

Does it offer a demo?

One of the best ways to determine whether a project management software is a fit for your company or not is to try it out. In general, if a system is worthwhile, it will have a free demo to prove it. Go ahead and give a few different systems a try. Then listen to your team’s thoughts on each one. Making the decision as a team will likely make the transition to the new software more friendly and seamless.
The best task management software reflects your business’s needs. A great place to start is by reflecting on what those are so you can discuss them with the sales reps for different software companies. Knowing what you want upfront will help you weed through the many programs you don’t want.
If you’re looking to try an agile task management system that delivers results, sign up for a free trial of Clarizen Go.