Best virtual summit software 2024

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Принципиальные отличия заключаются в:

- Более низкой стоимости SMS-сообщений;

- Более высокой скорости отправки SMS-рассылки;

- Возможности подставить практически любую подпись в поле «От кого»;

- Возможность автоматической отправки сообщений при интеграции с сайтом или информационной системой;

- Возможности иметь детализированную статистику, производить групповые рассылки, программировать рассылки и т.п.

HTML знать не обязательно. Базового набора элементов в системе достаточно, чтобы создать красивое письмо без особых усилий. Если вы хотите продвинутый и ни на кого не похожий дизайн письма, тогда знание HTML будет Вам полезно.

SMS-рассылка осуществляется на номера абонентов всех операторов России и СНГ.

Для того, чтобы получатель мог ответить на SMS-сообщение, можно:

- указать контактные данные в теле SMS-сообщения;

- указать в поле «От кого» адрес своего сайта или название Вашей компании.

Пропускная способность составляет более 1000 SMS в секунду. По запросу возможно увеличение. Технически, мощности позволяют срочно и качественно обслужить любой поток сообщений, благодаря тому, что трафик распределяется на множество SMS-центров.

Для осуществления любой рекламной SMS рассылки необходимо согласие абонента на получение рекламной информации. Предпочтительным вариантом является бумажная анкета, заполненная абонентом. Анкета должна содержать обязательные атрибуты:

- данные лица, дающего согласие на рассылку, позволяющие его однозначно идентифицировать (ФИО, номер телефона, желательно паспортные данные);

- наименование компании, от имени которой будет осуществляться рассылка;

- формулировку о согласии абонента на получение рекламной информации(необходимо предусмотреть место под галочку, чтобы абонент мог выразить явное согласие с пунктом).

Анкеты, не содержащие данной информации, не являются документальным подтверждением согласия абонента на получение рекламной рассылки. Компании, осуществляющие рассылку без согласия абонента или на основании некорректно заполненных анкет, могут быть оштрафованы органами ФАС на сумму до 500 000 рублей за осуществление незаконной рассылки.

Важно! Согласие с правилами веб-ресурса при регистрации не является документальным подтверждением согласия на получение рассылки, если в них не содержится информация, указанная в требованиях к анкете. Хранить анкету необходимо в течение года с момента осуществления рассылки.

Возможность осуществлять SMS-рассылки будет приостановлена, если:

- если Вы или Ваши субпартнеры рассылают спам;

- если Вы или Ваши субпартнеры рассылают SMS-сообщения, которые своим содержанием, подписью или временем рассылки не соответствуют законодательству Российской Федерации/Украины;

- Вы не оплатили разосланные SMS-сообщения.

Некоторые системы предоставляют такой функционал в личном кабинете пользователя.

Не все системы могут предоставить такой функционал. Рекомендуем обращаться в тех. поддержку сервисов с этим вопросом перед заказом услуг.

WAP-push - это специальная технология, которая позволяет отправлять в теле SMS ссылку на WAP сайт или контент для скачивания.

Вы можете рассылать SMS на номера всех операторов мобильной связи Украины и России в зависимости от выбранного сервиса. Отправка международных SMS также возможна, обратитесь в нашу техническую поддержку, чтобы Вам включили эту возможность.

There are several key factors to consider when choosing an online conference service. First, the quality of video and audio determines the ease of communication and the ability to effectively convey information. Proper data security and confidentiality are critical, as important information can be discussed during conferences. 

The usability of the platform also plays an significant role as it affects the productivity and ease of organizing conference meetings. Additional features such as conference recording, file sharing, and screening can greatly facilitate communication and collaboration. 

It's also essential to consider the mobile accessibility of the platform to ensure that conferences can be conveniently attended from any location.

When evaluating the quality of the chosen online conferencing service, it is important to pay attention to several key criteria. First, the quality of video and audio determines the ease of communication and information transfer, so it's important to make sure they have high resolution and clear sound. 

Next, data security and confidentiality are crucial, and the service must provide an adequate level of protection and encryption. Ease of use also plays an important role, so you should evaluate the interface, intuitive features, and ease of setup. 

Additional features, such as conference recording, file sharing, and screen capture, can enhance collaboration and communication. Finally, the mobile accessibility of the platform provides flexibility and convenience to participate in conferences from any location.

To involve the team in the process of selecting an online conferencing service, the first step is to hold joint meetings to discuss needs and expectations for the platform. Next, organize testing of the selected platforms, allowing each team member to try them out and give their impressions. 

After collecting user feedback from the team, use it to gain additional insights and identify the advantages and disadvantages of each service. In addition, conduct a vote or poll to determine the most acceptable option for all team members. 

Involving the team in the decision-making process will help ensure that you choose a platform that meets the needs and requirements of all parties.

How to choose the best virtual summit software 2024

In the modern world, online conferences have become an integral part of business, education, and everyday life. The growing popularity of remote work and study, as well as the need to maintain social distance during pandemics, have made the choice of a suitable online service extremely important. Let's look at the main reasons why the relevance of choosing an online conference service has increased.

1. Pandemic and social distancing

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the way we live and work. Many organizations were forced to switch to remote work, and educational institutions introduced online learning. This has led to a rapid increase in demand for online platforms for meetings, conferences, and training sessions. Online services help to maintain productivity and ensure uninterrupted information exchange even in difficult conditions.

2. Globalization and remote work

Modern businesses increasingly have offices in different countries and cooperate with partners and customers around the world. Remote work has become the norm for many professions. Online conferencing allows you to communicate effectively with colleagues regardless of their location, reducing travel costs and ensuring quick information exchange.

3. Cost-effectiveness

Using online services for meetings and training significantly reduces the cost of traveling, renting premises, and organizing offline events. This is especially true for small and medium-sized businesses looking for ways to optimize costs.

4. Technological progress

With the development of technology, online platforms are becoming more functional and convenient. High-quality video and audio, interactive features such as screen sharing, integration with other tools, and the ability to record meetings make these services indispensable for effective communication.

5. Increase productivity and flexibility

Online conferencing provides flexibility in scheduling and allows employees to participate in meetings from any location. This contributes to increased productivity as employees can share information and make decisions quickly and without delays.

6. Increasing importance of environmental responsibility

The use of online services reduces the need for travel, which helps reduce carbon emissions and environmental impact. Many companies are striving to be more environmentally responsible, and the transition to online communications is one of the steps in this direction.

7. Educational opportunities

Online services expand access to education, allowing students and teachers from different parts of the world to communicate and collaborate. This is especially important for those who have limited access to traditional educational institutions.

Key characteristics of online services

Choosing the right online conference service depends on many factors. Below are the key features to consider when choosing a platform. 

Video and audio quality


  • Resolution: High resolution (HD or 4K) provides a clear image of participants.

  • Connection stability: It is significant that the platform provides stable video without interruptions, even with a weak internet connection.

  • Camera settings: Adjust the brightness, contrast, and other camera settings.


  • Sound quality: High-quality audio with no lag or distortion.

  • Noise reduction: Tools to reduce background noise and improve audio quality.

  • Echo cancellation: Prevent echoes during a call. 

Security and privacy

  • Data encryption: Use end-to-end encryption to protect data in transit.

  • Access control: Control access to conferences with passwords, participant identification, and access restrictions.

  • Privacy: A privacy policy that protects users' personal data.

  • Auditing and monitoring: Tools for tracking user activity and conducting security audits.


  • User interface: An intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

  • Easy to customize: Easy to set up and launch conferences.

  • Accessibility of features: Quick access to basic features such as audio, video, chat, and more. 

Additional features

Conference recording

  • Saving recordings: Record and save conferences for later review.

  • Cloud storage: Option to save recordings to cloud storage.

  • Editing: Tools for editing recorded videos.

File sharing

  • File transfer: Easily share documents, presentations, and other files during a conference.

  • File security: Protect files from unauthorized access.

  • Screen sharing: The ability to show your screen to conference participants.

  • Collaboration: Features for collaborative editing of documents and presentations. 

Integration with other services

  • Integration with calendars: Connect to calendars (Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook) to schedule meetings.

  • Integration with other tools: Interaction with other corporate services (Slack, Trello, CRM systems).

Technical support

  • Support availability: 24/7 customer support through various channels (phone, chat, email).

  • Documentation and training materials: Availability of detailed documentation, training videos, and webinars.

  • Response time: Speed of response to requests and problem solving.

Mobile accessibility

  • Mobile applications: Availability of convenient and functional mobile applications for different platforms (iOS, Android).

  • Functionality on mobile devices: Preservation of all basic functions on mobile devices.

  • Optimization for mobile networks: The ability to work in conditions of weak mobile Internet.

These key characteristics will help you make the right choice of an online conference service, taking into account all the important aspects and needs of your organization.

Practical tips for choosing a service

Choosing the right service for online conferencing is an important step that affects the effectiveness of communication and collaboration in your organization. Below are detailed tips to help you make an informed choice. 

Identify the priority features

Analyze your organization's needs

  1. Type of conferences: Determine what types of conferences will be held (webinars, video conferences, training sessions, etc.).

  2. Number of participants: Estimate how many people will be participating in the meetings at the same time.

  3. Frequency and duration: Determine how often and for how long the conferences will be held. 

Define key features

  1. Video and audio quality: High-quality video and audio without lag or interruption.

  2. Security: End-to-end encryption, access control, data privacy.

  3. Ease of use: Intuitive interface, easy to set up.

  4. Additional features: Conference recording, file sharing, screen access, integration with other services.

  5. Technical support: Availability of 24/7 support and training materials.

  6. Mobile accessibility: Functional mobile applications for different platforms. 

Testing of selected services

Preliminary selection

  1. Make a short list: Select a few services that meet your main criteria.

  2. Consider the options: Check out the functionality of each service and read reviews.

Conduct testing

  1. Free trials: Use trial periods or free versions of services for testing purposes.

  2. Pilot meetings: Hold a few test conferences with real-world use cases.

  3. Evaluate usability: Check how easy it is to set up and use each service.

Collecting feedback

  1. Participant survey: Ask participants of the test meetings about their impressions and comments.

  2. Analyze the results: Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each service based on the feedback received.

Evaluate user feedback

Search for reviews

  1. Online platforms: Review reviews on specialized sites (e.g., G2, Capterra, Trustpilot).

  2. Forums and social networks: Check out discussions on forums and social media.

  3. Analyze the feedback

  4. Positive aspects: Pay attention to what users are highlighting as benefits.

  5. Disadvantages: Examine what problems and shortcomings are most often mentioned.

  6. Compatibility with your needs: Make sure that the positive aspects meet your requirements and that the disadvantages are not critical.

Involve the team in the decision
Involvement of key people

  1. Management: Involve department heads and final decision makers.

  2. Users: Include employees who will use the service on a regular basis.

  3. Organize discussions

  4. Meetings and discussions: Hold meetings to discuss test results and feedback.

  5. Presentations: Present the results of the service analysis and comparison to the entire team.

Collective decision making

  1. Voting: Conduct a vote or survey among participants to determine preferences.

  2. Consensus: Work to reach a general agreement on the best service choice.

Bottom line

Choosing the right online conferencing service is a critical decision that affects the efficiency and productivity of your organization. Given today's challenges, such as the pandemic, globalization, the need for cost-effectiveness, and environmental responsibility, choosing the right online platform is even more important.

To make a successful choice, you need to carefully define your organization's needs, such as the type of conferences, number of participants, and required features. Evaluating key features such as video and audio quality, security, usability, additional features, technical support, and mobile accessibility will help you formulate clear criteria for comparing different services.

Testing the selected platforms with free trials, holding pilot meetings, and collecting feedback from users will allow you to assess the practicality and usability of each service. Evaluating user reviews on specialized websites, forums, and social media will provide additional information about the real-life experience of other organizations.

Involving the team in the decision-making process, including management and end users, will ensure a comprehensive approach and allow you to take into account the opinions of all stakeholders. Collective discussion of the test results and voting will help to reach a consensus on the best choice of service.

Choosing the right online conferencing service will help increase communication efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure uninterrupted information exchange, which in turn will have a positive impact on the overall productivity of your organization. Regularly reviewing your chosen service and assessing its suitability for your current needs will help you stay on top of technological progress and remain competitive in a rapidly changing world.


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