Best NPS survey tools 2024

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SurveySparrow (NPS Survey) - review, pricing plans

SurveySparrow (NPS Survey)

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SendPulse (NPS Survey) - review, alternatives

SendPulse (NPS Survey)

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Survicate (NPS Survey) - review, pricing, features

Survicate (NPS Survey)

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Typeform - review, pricing plans, features, details


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Stamped (NPS Survey) - review, pricing, features, details

Stamped (NPS Survey)

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Принципиальные отличия заключаются в:

- Более низкой стоимости SMS-сообщений;

- Более высокой скорости отправки SMS-рассылки;

- Возможности подставить практически любую подпись в поле «От кого»;

- Возможность автоматической отправки сообщений при интеграции с сайтом или информационной системой;

- Возможности иметь детализированную статистику, производить групповые рассылки, программировать рассылки и т.п.

HTML знать не обязательно. Базового набора элементов в системе достаточно, чтобы создать красивое письмо без особых усилий. Если вы хотите продвинутый и ни на кого не похожий дизайн письма, тогда знание HTML будет Вам полезно.

SMS-рассылка осуществляется на номера абонентов всех операторов России и СНГ.

Для того, чтобы получатель мог ответить на SMS-сообщение, можно:

- указать контактные данные в теле SMS-сообщения;

- указать в поле «От кого» адрес своего сайта или название Вашей компании.

Пропускная способность составляет более 1000 SMS в секунду. По запросу возможно увеличение. Технически, мощности позволяют срочно и качественно обслужить любой поток сообщений, благодаря тому, что трафик распределяется на множество SMS-центров.

Для осуществления любой рекламной SMS рассылки необходимо согласие абонента на получение рекламной информации. Предпочтительным вариантом является бумажная анкета, заполненная абонентом. Анкета должна содержать обязательные атрибуты:

- данные лица, дающего согласие на рассылку, позволяющие его однозначно идентифицировать (ФИО, номер телефона, желательно паспортные данные);

- наименование компании, от имени которой будет осуществляться рассылка;

- формулировку о согласии абонента на получение рекламной информации(необходимо предусмотреть место под галочку, чтобы абонент мог выразить явное согласие с пунктом).

Анкеты, не содержащие данной информации, не являются документальным подтверждением согласия абонента на получение рекламной рассылки. Компании, осуществляющие рассылку без согласия абонента или на основании некорректно заполненных анкет, могут быть оштрафованы органами ФАС на сумму до 500 000 рублей за осуществление незаконной рассылки.

Важно! Согласие с правилами веб-ресурса при регистрации не является документальным подтверждением согласия на получение рассылки, если в них не содержится информация, указанная в требованиях к анкете. Хранить анкету необходимо в течение года с момента осуществления рассылки.

Возможность осуществлять SMS-рассылки будет приостановлена, если:

- если Вы или Ваши субпартнеры рассылают спам;

- если Вы или Ваши субпартнеры рассылают SMS-сообщения, которые своим содержанием, подписью или временем рассылки не соответствуют законодательству Российской Федерации/Украины;

- Вы не оплатили разосланные SMS-сообщения.

Некоторые системы предоставляют такой функционал в личном кабинете пользователя.

Не все системы могут предоставить такой функционал. Рекомендуем обращаться в тех. поддержку сервисов с этим вопросом перед заказом услуг.

WAP-push - это специальная технология, которая позволяет отправлять в теле SMS ссылку на WAP сайт или контент для скачивания.

Вы можете рассылать SMS на номера всех операторов мобильной связи Украины и России в зависимости от выбранного сервиса. Отправка международных SMS также возможна, обратитесь в нашу техническую поддержку, чтобы Вам включили эту возможность.

NPS survey tools facilitate the collection of valuable feedback from customers regarding their likelihood to recommend a company's product or service. 

By analyzing this data, businesses can identify areas for improvement and prioritize initiatives to enhance the overall customer experience. Through targeted action plans based on NPS insights, such as addressing pain points or amplifying positive experiences, businesses can effectively boost customer satisfaction levels.

When evaluating NPS survey tools, consider features such as user-friendly interfaces for seamless survey creation and distribution, robust customization options to tailor surveys to your brand and objectives, integration capabilities with existing systems for streamlined data management, advanced analytics and reporting features for actionable insights, scalability to accommodate growing survey volumes, and robust security measures to protect sensitive customer data.

Successful adoption of an NPS survey tool requires clear communication of its benefits and objectives to all stakeholders within the organization. Providing comprehensive training and ongoing support to users ensures they understand how to effectively utilize the tool to gather and analyze customer feedback. 

Additionally, incorporating NPS data into decision-making processes and establishing accountability for actioning insights helps drive organizational alignment and ensures the tool's continued value in improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How to choose best NPS survey tool 2024

Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys serve as a fundamental tool for assessing customer satisfaction and loyalty within businesses. Originating from Fred Reichheld's concept, NPS measures the likelihood of customers to recommend a company's product or service to others. This metric categorizes respondents into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors based on their likelihood to recommend.

NPS surveys typically pose a single question to customers: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?" Respondents are then categorized accordingly: Promoters (score 9-10), Passives (score 7-8), and Detractors (score 0-6).

The simplicity of NPS surveys allows for easy interpretation and benchmarking across industries. Companies utilize NPS data to identify areas for improvement, measure customer satisfaction over time, and foster customer loyalty. With the rise of customer-centric strategies, NPS has become a vital metric for businesses seeking sustainable growth.

Importance of NPS surveys in gauging customer satisfaction and loyalty

NPS surveys provide businesses with actionable insights into customer sentiment, allowing them to address issues promptly and enhance overall customer experience. According to a study by Bain & Company, NPS leaders outgrow their competitors by more than double, underscoring the correlation between high NPS scores and business success.

Furthermore, NPS serves as a leading indicator of customer loyalty, with loyal customers being more likely to make repeat purchases and advocate for the brand. Research from Harvard Business Review indicates that increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can lead to an increase in profits by 25% to 95%. Thus, understanding and leveraging NPS surveys are paramount for businesses aiming to thrive in today's competitive landscape.

Key features to look for in nps survey tools

Selecting the right NPS survey tool is crucial for effectively gathering and analyzing customer feedback. When evaluating options, several key features should be considered to ensure the chosen tool meets the organization's needs and objectives.

User-friendly interface

A user-friendly interface is essential for seamless survey creation, distribution, and analysis. According to a survey by Forrester Research, 65% of customers say they are likely to switch brands if they find the process too difficult. Look for intuitive design and navigation that facilitates easy survey setup and response management.

Furthermore, consider features such as drag-and-drop survey builders, pre-built templates, and mobile responsiveness to enhance user experience across devices. A user-friendly interface not only improves survey completion rates but also reduces the time and resources required for survey administration.

Customization options

Every business has unique branding and survey requirements. Therefore, customization options are crucial for tailoring surveys to align with brand guidelines and specific objectives. Research from McKinsey & Company suggests that personalized experiences can increase customer satisfaction by up to 20%.

Look for NPS survey tools that offer customizable survey templates, branding options, and question types. Advanced customization features, such as conditional logic and branching, enable businesses to create personalized survey experiences that resonate with their audience.

Integration capabilities

Integration with existing systems and platforms streamlines data management and enhances workflow efficiency. According to a report by Aberdeen Group, businesses with integrated customer feedback systems are 34% more likely to experience an increase in customer retention rates.

Prioritize NPS survey tools that offer seamless integration with customer relationship management (CRM) software, email marketing platforms, and analytics tools. Integration capabilities enable real-time data syncing, automated workflows, and comprehensive insights that drive informed decision-making.

Analytics and reporting features

Effective analysis and reporting are essential for deriving actionable insights from NPS survey data. Research from Deloitte indicates that companies that use analytics are twice as likely to outperform their peers in profitability.

Look for NPS survey tools that offer robust analytics and reporting features, such as sentiment analysis, trend tracking, and segmentation capabilities. Advanced reporting dashboards and visualization tools facilitate data interpretation and communication across stakeholders, enabling organizations to identify trends, track performance, and make data-driven decisions.


As businesses grow and evolve, scalability becomes paramount to accommodate increasing survey volumes and expanding user bases. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, scalable technologies are critical for sustaining growth and adapting to changing market dynamics.

Choose NPS survey tools that can scale alongside your business, offering flexible pricing plans, multi-user support, and enterprise-grade infrastructure. Scalable solutions ensure reliability, performance, and continuity, empowering organizations to maintain consistent survey operations and meet evolving demands.

Security measures

Protecting sensitive customer data is essential to maintain trust and compliance with regulatory requirements. A data breach can have severe consequences, including financial loss and reputational damage. According to IBM's Cost of a Data Breach Report, the average cost of a data breach is $3.86 million.

Prioritize NPS survey tools that prioritize data security, offering robust encryption, access controls, and compliance certifications such as GDPR and ISO 27001. Additionally, consider features such as data residency options and audit logs to ensure data protection and regulatory compliance across geographies and industries.

Factors to consider before choosing an nps survey tool

Before selecting an NPS survey tool, several factors should be carefully evaluated to ensure it aligns with the organization's requirements and objectives.


Budgetary constraints play a significant role in determining the suitability of an NPS survey tool. According to a survey by Gartner, 44% of organizations cite budget constraints as the primary barrier to technology adoption. It's essential to balance the cost of the tool with its features and benefits to maximize return on investment.

Consider NPS survey tools that offer flexible pricing plans, such as subscription-based models or pay-per-use options. Additionally, factor in any additional costs, such as customization fees or integration expenses, to accurately assess the total cost of ownership.

Company size and needs

The size and specific needs of the organization influence the choice of an NPS survey tool. Small businesses may prioritize affordability and ease of use, while larger enterprises may require advanced features and scalability. Research by IDC suggests that 64% of SMBs prioritize solutions that improve operational efficiency.

Evaluate NPS survey tools based on their suitability for the organization's size, industry, and target audience. Consider factors such as survey volume, user scalability, and customization capabilities to ensure the chosen tool can effectively meet the organization's unique requirements.

Compatibility with existing systems

Integration with existing systems and workflows is critical for seamless data management and operational efficiency. A study by Salesforce found that 73% of consumers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations across all touchpoints. Incompatible systems can lead to data silos and hinder cross-functional collaboration.

Choose an NPS survey tool that integrates seamlessly with existing platforms, such as CRM software, email marketing tools, and analytics platforms. Prioritize solutions that offer pre-built integrations or robust APIs to facilitate data exchange and workflow automation.

Customer support and training

Effective customer support and training are essential for maximizing the value of an NPS survey tool. According to a survey by Microsoft, 97% of customers say customer service is important in their choice of loyalty to a brand. Inadequate support can result in frustration and hinder adoption rates.

Evaluate the level of customer support offered by NPS survey tool providers, including availability, responsiveness, and expertise. Look for providers that offer comprehensive training resources, such as tutorials, documentation, and live support, to empower users and maximize tool utilization.

Tips for making the right choice

Choosing the right NPS survey tool is crucial for effectively gathering and utilizing customer feedback. Here are some key tips to consider when making your decision.

Define your objectives clearly

Before evaluating NPS survey tools, it's essential to define your objectives and goals for collecting customer feedback. According to a survey by Harvard Business Review, 59% of companies report that they are not clear about their customer experience goals. Clearly outlining your objectives will help you identify the features and capabilities you need in an NPS survey tool to achieve your desired outcomes.

Request demos and trials

Don't hesitate to request demos and trials from potential NPS survey tool providers. This hands-on experience allows you to assess the usability, functionality, and suitability of the tool for your organization's needs. Research from Software Advice reveals that 72% of buyers prefer demos and trials as part of their software evaluation process. Take advantage of these opportunities to explore the features and benefits firsthand before making a decision.

Gather feedback from stakeholders

Involve key stakeholders, such as customer service representatives, marketing teams, and IT personnel, in the decision-making process. Their insights and perspectives can provide valuable input into selecting the most suitable NPS survey tool for your organization. According to a study by Gartner, involving stakeholders in software selection increases the likelihood of successful implementation by 50%. By gathering feedback from stakeholders, you can ensure alignment with organizational goals and address any concerns or requirements early on.

Consider long-term needs

When evaluating NPS survey tools, consider your organization's long-term needs and scalability requirements. As your business grows and evolves, your survey tool should be able to accommodate increasing survey volumes, additional features, and integration with other systems. Research by Forrester suggests that 57% of businesses cite scalability as a key consideration when selecting software solutions. Choosing a flexible and scalable NPS survey tool will ensure that your investment continues to meet your needs as your business expands and evolves.

Bottom line

Selecting the right NPS survey tool is a critical decision that can significantly impact your organization's ability to measure and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Importance of selecting the right NPS survey tool

The choice of NPS survey tool determines how effectively you can gather, analyze, and act upon customer feedback. According to research by Bain & Company, companies that excel in customer experience grow revenues 4-8% above their market. Therefore, investing time and resources into selecting the best tool for your needs is essential for long-term success.

Encouragement to carefully evaluate options

It's imperative to carefully evaluate NPS survey tool options based on the outlined criteria, including usability, customization, integration, analytics, scalability, and security. Rushing into a decision or choosing a tool based solely on cost can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for improvement. A study by Gartner indicates that by 2025, 80% of customer service organizations will have abandoned native mobile apps in favor of messaging for a better customer experience. By carefully evaluating options, you can ensure that the chosen tool aligns with your organization's goals and enables you to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Emphasis on potential impact

Choosing the best NPS survey tool for your organization's needs can have a significant impact on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, business success. According to research by Deloitte, companies that prioritize customer experience generate 60% higher profits than their competitors. By leveraging the insights gained from an effective NPS survey tool, you can identify areas for improvement, drive operational efficiencies, and cultivate strong customer relationships. Therefore, make the decision thoughtfully, considering not only immediate needs but also long-term objectives and aspirations.

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