Best session recording software 2024

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VWO (Session recording) - review, pricing, alternatives

VWO (Session recording)

3 Reviews
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Plerdy (Session recording) - review, pricing, alternatives

Plerdy (Session recording)

2 Reviews
Official website
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Hotjar (Session recording) - review, pricing, alternatives

Hotjar (Session recording)

2 Reviews
Official website
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Most advanced
Lucky orange (Session recording) - review, pricing, alternatives

Lucky orange (Session recording)

1 Reviews
Official website
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Best price/quality
Mouseflow (Session recording) - review, pricing, alternatives

Mouseflow (Session recording)

1 Reviews
Official website
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Best for beginners
Jason Wayne

Jason Wayne on Mouseflow (Session recording)

Mouseflow has revolutionized how I understand user behavior on my website. Its seamless session recording capabilities provide invaluable insights int...
Liam Harris

Liam Harris on Lucky orange (Session recording)

Lucky Orange revolutionizes tracking with seamless session recording, offering unparalleled insights into user behavior. Its intuitive interface and r...
Liam Harris

Liam Harris on Hotjar (Session recording)

Hotjar revolutionizes user experience analysis. Its session recording feature offers unparalleled insights, empowering businesses to understand user b...
Annie Gilbert

Annie Gilbert on Hotjar (Session recording)

Hotjar revolutionizes website analysis with its exceptional session recording capabilities. It offers invaluable insights into user behavior, enhancin...
Annie Gilbert

Annie Gilbert on Plerdy (Session recording)

Plerdy truly revolutionizes session recording! Its intuitive interface and comprehensive analytics provide invaluable insights into user behavior. Wit...
Douglas Davis

Douglas Davis on Plerdy (Session recording)

Plerdy truly enhances user insights. Its session recording features offer invaluable data for optimizing user experience. A must-have tool for any web...
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Most advanced
Most affordable
Best price/quality
Best for beginners

Принципиальные отличия заключаются в:

- Более низкой стоимости SMS-сообщений;

- Более высокой скорости отправки SMS-рассылки;

- Возможности подставить практически любую подпись в поле «От кого»;

- Возможность автоматической отправки сообщений при интеграции с сайтом или информационной системой;

- Возможности иметь детализированную статистику, производить групповые рассылки, программировать рассылки и т.п.

HTML знать не обязательно. Базового набора элементов в системе достаточно, чтобы создать красивое письмо без особых усилий. Если вы хотите продвинутый и ни на кого не похожий дизайн письма, тогда знание HTML будет Вам полезно.

SMS-рассылка осуществляется на номера абонентов всех операторов России и СНГ.

Для того, чтобы получатель мог ответить на SMS-сообщение, можно:

- указать контактные данные в теле SMS-сообщения;

- указать в поле «От кого» адрес своего сайта или название Вашей компании.

Пропускная способность составляет более 1000 SMS в секунду. По запросу возможно увеличение. Технически, мощности позволяют срочно и качественно обслужить любой поток сообщений, благодаря тому, что трафик распределяется на множество SMS-центров.

Для осуществления любой рекламной SMS рассылки необходимо согласие абонента на получение рекламной информации. Предпочтительным вариантом является бумажная анкета, заполненная абонентом. Анкета должна содержать обязательные атрибуты:

- данные лица, дающего согласие на рассылку, позволяющие его однозначно идентифицировать (ФИО, номер телефона, желательно паспортные данные);

- наименование компании, от имени которой будет осуществляться рассылка;

- формулировку о согласии абонента на получение рекламной информации(необходимо предусмотреть место под галочку, чтобы абонент мог выразить явное согласие с пунктом).

Анкеты, не содержащие данной информации, не являются документальным подтверждением согласия абонента на получение рекламной рассылки. Компании, осуществляющие рассылку без согласия абонента или на основании некорректно заполненных анкет, могут быть оштрафованы органами ФАС на сумму до 500 000 рублей за осуществление незаконной рассылки.

Важно! Согласие с правилами веб-ресурса при регистрации не является документальным подтверждением согласия на получение рассылки, если в них не содержится информация, указанная в требованиях к анкете. Хранить анкету необходимо в течение года с момента осуществления рассылки.

Возможность осуществлять SMS-рассылки будет приостановлена, если:

- если Вы или Ваши субпартнеры рассылают спам;

- если Вы или Ваши субпартнеры рассылают SMS-сообщения, которые своим содержанием, подписью или временем рассылки не соответствуют законодательству Российской Федерации/Украины;

- Вы не оплатили разосланные SMS-сообщения.

Некоторые системы предоставляют такой функционал в личном кабинете пользователя.

Не все системы могут предоставить такой функционал. Рекомендуем обращаться в тех. поддержку сервисов с этим вопросом перед заказом услуг.

WAP-push - это специальная технология, которая позволяет отправлять в теле SMS ссылку на WAP сайт или контент для скачивания.

Вы можете рассылать SMS на номера всех операторов мобильной связи Украины и России в зависимости от выбранного сервиса. Отправка международных SMS также возможна, обратитесь в нашу техническую поддержку, чтобы Вам включили эту возможность.

First of all, define your goals and needs. Consider the specifics of your business, the type of website or application, and the target audience. Review the functionality of various services, such as video session recording, heatmaps, conversion funnels, and event tracking. 

Evaluate usability, ease of integration and customization, and compliance with security and privacy standards. Don't forget to analyze the pricing models and whether there is a free version or a trial period for testing.

One of the most common mistakes is insufficient planning and lack of clear understanding of the integration goals. Avoid this by clearly defining what results you want to achieve. 

Another common mistake is ignoring the test run, which can lead to technical failures or incorrect data tracking. Perform a test run on a small group of users or pages. 

It is also important to ensure that the team is properly trained and that all users of the service understand how to use it effectively.

Regularly analyze user session records and heatmaps to identify problem areas. Use segmentation to understand the behavior of different user groups and adapt UX/UI to their needs. 

Implement A/B testing to test hypotheses on how to improve user experience. After making changes, continue monitoring and analyzing whether they have brought the expected results. 

Collaborate with different teams, such as marketing, UX/UI, and technical support, to analyze data together and develop effective solutions.

How to choose the best session recording software 2024

Choosing the right service to record user sessions is critical to optimizing the user experience on your website or app. This decision affects several aspects of your business:

  • Improving the user experience

Visualizing how users interact with your product allows you to understand which elements of the site are working well and which need improvement.

You'll be able to identify places where users get stuck or leave the site, which gives you the opportunity to remove these obstacles and improve conversions.

  • Increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns

Analyzing user behavior will help you understand which marketing efforts bring the most benefit and where to invest resources.

You can evaluate how users interact with specific marketing campaigns or pages and make adjustments based on that.

  • Product optimization

User session data allows you to identify problems in the user interface and fix them.

The ability to test different design or feature options and see which one works best.

  • User support

Session recordings can be used to solve customer problems because you can see exactly what they are experiencing while using the product.

It also helps your support team better understand the user experience and provide more accurate recommendations.

Problems that session recording services help solve

  • Navigation and usage issues

Identify confusing or unintuitive interface elements that may be causing difficulties for users.

  • Technical errors and bugs

Easily find technical issues that may be affecting the user experience, such as page loading errors or broken buttons.

  • Failure analysis

Understand the reasons why users leave your website or app, allowing you to make informed decisions to reduce bounce rates.

  • Conversion funnels

Identify places where users fall out of conversion funnels and optimize these paths to increase conversions.

  • UX/UI improvement

Gain insights to improve the user interface, making it more convenient and attractive.

Overview of session recording services features

User session recording services are tools that allow you to record and analyze user interactions with your website or app. They provide detailed information about how users navigate the pages, what elements they click, where they stay, and what actions they perform. This gives you a deeper understanding of their behavior and improves the overall user experience.

  • Key features and capabilities

Video records every mouse movement, click, scroll, and other user action on the website. This allows you to see in detail how users interact with your product.

  • Heatmaps

Heatmaps show where users click, move the mouse, or stay on pages the most. This helps you understand which parts of the page attract the most attention.

  • Conversion Funnels

Analyze user journeys through your website, determining where users leave the conversion path. This allows you to improve the conversion process.

  • Event Tracking

Allows you to track specific user actions, such as clicking on certain buttons, filling out forms, watching videos, etc. This helps to analyze in detail how users interact with key elements of the site.

  • Form Analytics

Determines how users interact with the forms on your website, which fields they fill in, where they stop or refuse to fill in. This helps you optimize your forms for better conversion.

  • User Segmentation

Allows you to divide users into different segments based on their behavior, traffic sources, devices, etc. This helps you better understand the needs of different user groups.

  • Behavior Analytics

Provides detailed reports and insights into user behavior, helping to identify trends and problem areas.

  • Reports and Analytics

Automatically generate reports with detailed analytics to help you track the progress and effectiveness of changes on your site.

These features help you understand how to improve the user experience on your website or app, increase conversions, and overall user satisfaction.

Criteria for choosing a service for recording user sessions

  • Ease of use

User interface

  1. Intuitiveness: The interface should be clear and easy to use, even for beginners. The main functions should be easily accessible, and navigation should be logical and convenient.

  2. Visual appeal: A well-designed interface increases the satisfaction of working with the service and contributes to the more efficient use of its functions.

  3. Customization options: Users should be able to customize the interface to suit their needs, which helps to increase productivity.

Ease of setup and integration

  1. Ease of installation: The service should offer simple and straightforward installation instructions, allowing you to get started quickly.

  2. Documentation and support: Availability of detailed documentation, training materials, and customer support to quickly resolve any issues.

  3. Process automation: Automatic configuration and integration with popular platforms to reduce the need for manual work.

  • Functionality

Recording video sessions

  1. Recording quality: High quality video that allows you to clearly see all user actions.

  2. Detail: Ability to record every mouse movement, click, scroll, and other user action.

Analysis of user behavior

  1. Reports and analytics: Detailed reports on user behavior with detailed information about their actions and interactions with the site.

  2. Trends and insights: Automatic data analysis to identify trends and problem areas.


  1. Types of heatmaps: Supports click maps, scroll maps, and mouse movement.

  2. Attention Zone Analysis: Identify areas that attract the most attention from users.

Conversion Funnels

  1. Building funnels: Create conversion funnels to analyze user journeys.

  2. Analysis of drop-off points: Identify the points where users most often leave the site.

Event Tracking

  1. Flexible customization: Set up tracking of specific events such as button clicks, form completions, etc.

  2. Event reports: Detailed reports on user actions that allow you to analyze the effectiveness of individual elements of the site.

  • Security and privacy

Protection of user data

  1. Data encryption: Using modern encryption methods to protect user data during transmission and storage.

  2. Access restrictions: Ability to customize access rights to ensure the confidentiality of information.

Compliance with GDPR, CCPA, etc.

  1. Legal compliance: The service must comply with the requirements of GDPR, CCPA, and other data protection standards, which guarantees the protection of users' privacy rights.

  2. Privacy policy: A clear and transparent privacy policy explaining how user data is stored and used.

  • Compatibility and integration

Integration with other services and platforms

  • A wide range of integrations: Support for integration with popular platforms such as Google Analytics, CRM systems, marketing tools, and others.

  • APIS: The presence of APIs to extend the functionality and customize integration with your own systems.

Support for different browsers and devices

  1. Cross-browser support: Support for major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) to ensure the correct operation of the service on any device.

  2. Mobile devices: Optimized for use on mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets.

  • Pricing

Pricing models

  1. Flexible plans: Different pricing plans that allow you to choose the best option depending on your business needs.

  2. Transparency: Transparent pricing structure without hidden fees and additional costs.

Availability of a free version or a trial period

  1. Free version: A free plan with basic features for small businesses or startups.

  2. Trial period: Offering a free trial period to test all the features before purchasing.

Cost depending on the amount of data and users

  • Data volume: Pricing based on the amount of data to be processed (number of sessions, volume of records, etc.).

  • Number of users: The cost depends on the number of users who will use the service.

Practical recommendations

How to evaluate demos

  • Functionality: Make sure the demo offers all the features you need, such as video session recording, user behavior analysis, heatmaps, conversion funnels, and event tracking.

  • Ease of use: Evaluate the user interface for intuitiveness and ease of navigation. It is important that all functions are easily accessible and understandable.

  • Performance: Check how fast and stable the service is. Pay attention to delays in recording and viewing sessions.

  • Integration: Evaluate the integration capabilities with other systems you use. This includes APIs, support for different platforms, and compatibility with your existing tools.

  • Security: Make sure the service meets data protection and privacy requirements, such as GDPR or CCPA compliance.

  • Support: Evaluate the availability and quality of user support, including documentation, training materials, and help desk.

What to check during testing

  • Session recording: Check how user sessions are recorded and played back. Pay attention to the video quality, the detail of user actions, and the correct display of all page elements.

  • Heatmap analysis: Evaluate the heatmaps for accuracy and information. It is important that you can easily identify areas of high and low activity.

  • Conversion funnels: Create and test multiple conversion funnels. Make sure that the service is tracking the user journey correctly and identifying drop-off points.

  • Event tracking: Set up and test tracking various events such as clicks, form submissions, and video views. Ensure that all events are properly recorded and displayed in reports.

  • Integration: Check the integration of the service with other tools you use, such as Google Analytics, CRM systems, or marketing platforms. Make sure that data is transferred correctly between systems.

  • Speed and stability: Evaluate the speed of the service, especially when processing large amounts of data. Make sure that the system is stable and free from crashes.

Approaches to service integration

  • Setting goals: Clearly define what results you want to achieve with the help of a user session recording service. It can be increasing conversion rates, improving UX/UI, or optimizing marketing campaigns.

  • Resource estimation: Estimate the resources you need for the integration, including technical requirements, time commitment, and staff.

  • Action plan: Develop a detailed integration plan, including all stages from preparation to launch and testing. Include specific tasks, responsible parties, and deadlines.

Setup tips

  • Test run: Start with a test run on a small group of users or pages to verify that the settings are correct and that the service is functional.

  • Setting up events: Set up tracking of important events, such as clicks on key buttons, form submissions, and other actions that matter to your business.

  • Integration with analytical tools: Make sure the service integrates correctly with other analytical tools you use. This will allow you to get a more complete picture of user behavior.

  • Testing and debugging: Test your settings regularly and adjust them if you find any errors or inaccuracies.

Optimize the service experience

  • Regular analysis: Regularly review user session records and analyze heatmaps to continuously identify and fix problem areas.

  • Leverage segmentation: Use segmentation features to analyze the behavior of different user groups. This will help you better understand the needs and expectations of your audience.

  • Collaboration: Collaborate with different teams (marketing, UX/UI, technical support) to analyze data together and develop solutions.

  • Team training: Provide training for all team members who will use the service. This will help to maximize the use of all the functions of the tool.

How to analyze the data

  • Identify patterns: Look for recurring patterns in user behavior, such as frequent clicks on certain elements or repeated navigation paths. This will help you understand how users interact with your website or app.

  • Failure analysis: Examine session records where users leave your site or app. Determine what might be causing bounces and develop strategies to reduce them.

  • Hypothesis testing: Use the data to formulate and test hypotheses. For example, if you notice that users are not clicking on an important button, try changing its location or design and track the results.

  • Monitoring changes: After making changes based on your analysis, continue to monitor user behavior to evaluate the effectiveness of those changes. Review new data regularly and adjust strategies as needed.

Bottom line

The overall conclusion is that choosing the right service to record user sessions is critical to improving user experience, increasing conversions, and optimizing business processes. Such services allow you to identify and fix navigation and technical issues, analyze user behavior, create heatmaps and conversion funnels, and track specific events. It is important to pay attention to usability, functionality, security, compatibility with other systems, and the price of the service.

When evaluating demos, you should carefully check functionality, performance, integration, and security. For a successful integration, you need to plan the process clearly, estimate resources, perform a test run, and set up events. Optimizing the work with the service requires regular analysis of the data obtained, the use of best practices, and team training.

In general, the chosen service should provide a deep understanding of user behavior and provide tools for continuous improvement of your website or application, which will ultimately help you achieve your business goals.

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