Best marketing analytics software 2024

Brand 24 - review, pricing, alternatives, features, details

Brand 24

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Hubspot (Marketing analytics)

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1 Reviews
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Последние отзывы

Integration with other systems goes beyond just collecting data and allows you to get a complete picture of the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. 

This contributes to a comprehensive analysis of information from various sources, which increases the accuracy of measurements and allows you to respond to changes in market conditions in a timely manner. 

Integration allows you to optimize data collection and processing processes, which is important for effective strategic decision-making in marketing.

Free trial versions are important because they allow companies to evaluate the functionality and compatibility of the service with their needs without financial obligations. 

This provides an opportunity to make sure of the efficiency and usability before purchasing a paid version. 

Such trial versions allow you to reduce risks when choosing a marketing analytics tool and make an informed choice based on practical experience.

When choosing a marketing analytics service, it is important to consider compliance with high data security standards, including encryption and protection against unauthorized access. 

It is also necessary to check the data privacy policy to make sure that users' personal and confidential information is adequately protected and not shared with third parties without permission. 

Taking these criteria into account ensures secure data processing and compliance with legal requirements for the protection of personal data

How to choose the best marketing analytics software 2024

Marketing analytics plays a key role in making informed decisions. It provides accurate data that allows businesses to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, understand customer behavior, and identify new opportunities for growth. With the help of analytics, companies can optimize marketing costs by allocating budgets more efficiently and identifying the most profitable channels and strategies. This helps to reduce the cost of inefficient methods and maximize the return on investment.

Marketing analytics also helps to increase business competitiveness. Knowledge about the market, competitors, and customers makes it possible to respond quickly to changes and adapt strategies to new conditions. This is especially important in today's dynamic market, where the speed of decision-making often determines the success of a company. 

Overview of key benefits of using analytical services

The use of analytical services provides businesses with a number of significant advantages. First, such services provide access to large amounts of data, which allows you to gain a deeper understanding of market trends and consumer behavior. This, in turn, contributes to the development of more effective marketing strategies.

Secondly, analytical services allow automating many data collection and processing processes. This saves time and resources for the company, allowing it to focus on strategic tasks rather than routine operations. Automation also reduces the likelihood of errors that can occur during manual analysis.

Thirdly, analytics services provide the ability to receive visualized reports, which makes data more understandable and accessible for analysis. Visualization helps to better perceive information and make quick and informed decisions. This is especially useful for presenting analytics results to management or clients.

Thus, marketing analytics is an integral part of modern business, providing it with competitive advantages and contributing to the effective management of marketing strategies. Using analytical services allows businesses to better understand their customers, optimize costs, and respond quickly to market changes.

Identifying business needs

The first step in choosing a marketing analytics service is to clearly define your business goals. Short-term goals may include increasing conversions, improving ad click-through rates, or increasing website traffic. Longer-term goals are usually focused on sustainable business growth, brand strengthening, market expansion, and improved customer retention.

Understanding these goals helps determine what features and capabilities analytics services should have. For example, for short-term goals, services that offer detailed analysis of conversions and user behavior may be important. Long-term goals may require in-depth analysis of market trends and forecasting.

Assessment of key metrics and indicators to be monitored

Once the goals are set, it's important to identify the key metrics and indicators that need to be monitored to measure progress. Key metrics may include:

  • Conversions: the percentage of visitors who perform the targeted action (purchase, subscription, form filling).

  • Website traffic: the number of visitors and page views.

  • Bounce rate: the percentage of visitors who leave the site after viewing one page.

  • Average time spent on the website: an indicator of user engagement.

  • Cost per acquisition (CAC): The amount spent on attracting one customer.

  • Return on investment (ROI): The ratio of profit to marketing costs.

These metrics allow you to get a clear picture of the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and respond quickly to changes.

Assessment of resources

It is important to determine the available budget for marketing analytics, as this affects the choice of services. The budget should take into account not only the cost of subscription to analytics services, but also additional costs such as staff training, integration with other systems, and possible software updates.

A realistic budget helps avoid unforeseen expenses and ensures efficient use of resources. When determining the budget, you should consider both current needs and possible future costs in case of expansion or changes in business needs.

Evaluate the technical capabilities and skill level of the team

It is important to assess the technical capabilities of the company and the skill level of the team that will use the analytical services. This includes:

  1. Technical infrastructure: does the company have the necessary hardware and software to work with the selected services? Is additional investment in IT infrastructure required?

  2. Team qualifications: does the team have the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively use analytical tools? Do they need additional training?

  3. Support and integration: Does the selected service offer technical support and integration with the company's existing systems? Will the team be able to solve technical problems independently?

Evaluating these factors allows you to choose a service that not only meets your business needs, but can also be effectively implemented and used in practice.

Criteria for choosing a service for marketing analytics

  • Analytics and reporting

When choosing a marketing analytics service, it is important to pay attention to its analytical capabilities. The service should provide advanced data analysis capabilities, such as conversion measurement, web analytics, user behavior tracking, etc. Reporting should be detailed and easy to understand, with the ability to customize and personalize reports.

  • Integration with other systems

The service should support integration with other key systems, such as CRM systems, payment systems, e-commerce platforms, etc. This allows collecting and analyzing complex data from different sources and provides a single view of marketing results.

  • Support for multi-channel analysis

Modern companies conduct marketing through various channels (websites, social networks, email, mobile applications, etc.). The chosen service should support the analysis of results from different channels and sources, which allows you to get a complete picture of the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

  • Ease of use

It is important that the service interface is clear and intuitive for users of different skill levels. This simplifies the process of setting up and using analytical tools, reducing the time for training and preparation.

  • Availability of training materials and technical support

The service should provide access to documentation, video tutorials, online courses, and other training resources for users. Technical support should be available and respond quickly to user requests, including those related to configuration, integration, and technical issues.

  • Price and pricing policy

It is important to evaluate service pricing models (subscription, pay-per-use, pay-per-volume, etc.) and determine which one is most beneficial for business needs. You should also consider possible additional costs, such as integration and staff training.

  • Availability of free trials

Many services offer free trials to test functionality and compatibility with business needs. This allows you to evaluate the service without financial costs and make an informed decision before purchasing a paid version.

  • Security and privacy

The service must meet high data security standards, including data encryption, protection against unauthorized access, and other security measures.

  • Data privacy policy

It is important to study the privacy policy of the service to make sure that user data will be stored and processed in accordance with the law and will not be transferred to third parties without the user's permission.

These criteria help to make an informed choice of a marketing analytics service that meets specific business needs and requirements.

Bottom line 

Functionality comes to the forefront, and it should be aimed at providing comprehensive data analysis, efficient reporting, and integration with other systems. An important aspect is also the support for multi-channel analysis, which allows you to cover all aspects of the company's marketing efforts.

In addition, ease of use and the availability of training materials and technical support play a key role in choosing a service. The intuitive interface facilitates quick learning and efficient use of the tools. The availability of free trial versions allows you to evaluate the service without financial risks before making a final choice.

Price and pricing policy are also important factors, as they affect the cost-effectiveness of using the service. Choosing a pricing model and estimating possible additional costs helps to make an informed decision.

Data security and confidentiality are not the least of the considerations. Adherence to high security standards and a clear privacy policy ensure the protection of user data and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Therefore, choosing a marketing analytics service should be based on a comprehensive approach to considering all of the above aspects that meet the specific needs and strategic goals of your business.

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