Best webinar services

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Weve - pricing, customer reviews, features, free plans, alternatives, comparisons, service costs.


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LiveStorm - pricing, customer reviews, features, free plans, alternatives, comparisons, service costs.


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Webinar.tW - pricing, customer reviews, features, free plans, alternatives, comparisons, service costs.


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HeySummit - pricing, customer reviews, features, free plans, alternatives, comparisons, service costs.


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Jetwebinar - pricing, customer reviews, features, free plans, alternatives, comparisons, service costs.


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VirtualSummits - reviews, price, alternatives (analogues, comparisons, cost of services)


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Airmeet - pricing, customer reviews, features, free plans, alternatives, comparisons, service costs.


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Wistia - pricing, customer reviews, features, free plans, alternatives, comparisons, service costs


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Webinar and videoconferencing are two ways of communicating with a large number of participants. The main difference between these terms is that a webinar is a one-way communication that allows the presenter to communicate with a remote audience with limited interaction, while a web conference is a two-way communication that allows video and audio to be transmitted simultaneously between several participants in different locations.

The trial version is given for a certain trial period with full functionality of the platform (from 14 to 30 days). The free version includes the use of the service with certain restrictions depending on the tariff, but with no time limit. 

How to choose the best webinar venues for a webinar 

A successful webinar can bring a number of benefits to your company. Organisations often use webinar software as part of their sales funnel or as an effective way to build their credibility.

While there are many ways to run a great webinar, quality webinar software isn't enough to get the results you want. There are several other factors to consider before choosing the right software for your needs.

Ease of use
Many of these will be unique to your company. In other words, the right webinar software for one organisation may not be suitable for yours.

Ease of use is a good example of this. Obviously, the success of your webinars will largely depend on how well you or your staff can work with the software you choose.

In some situations, you will need the simplest webinar software. Perhaps you are currently running a sole proprietorship and are not as technically savvy as you would like to be.

On the other hand, if you've demonstrated impressive software training skills in the past, you may want to consider many more options. Generally speaking, the more time you have to implement the use of a software name, the more platforms you can consider with more features.

How much can you spend?
Another metric that will greatly reduce your list is how much you have to spend on webinar software. Make this decision in advance. With so many options, it will be easy to spend more than you planned if you don't set a tight budget from the start.

Also keep in mind that on many platforms this is a monthly fee. Are you going to run enough webinars to make it pay off?

Of course, you may not plan to run them once a month, but even if you offer webinars once a quarter, an ongoing subscription may be worth it if it also means constant updates. This way, you don't have to worry about spending on webinar software that will quickly become obsolete.

Ultimately, as mentioned above, training and implementation can also cost you money. If you need to move people from other projects or responsibilities to train on this new platform, it's at least a one-off fee that needs to be factored into your budget, otherwise you'll get a nasty surprise.

Free trials
These days, almost every webinar platform on the market comes with a free trial. If you're thinking of one that doesn't offer you that option, keep looking.

Chances are you will find webinar software that gives you the features you want with the benefit of some free trial.

If you're new to buying webinar software, this is also a great way to become familiar with some of the features.

The ability to host webinars on demand

Speaking of features, let's take a look at some of them now. One of the most important is the ability of webinar software to broadcast the event live, and allow people to watch it at any time.

Only 16% of B2B consumers prefer live webinars, so creating streaming content is fine, but it's far from essential. If you're nervous about the 'live' factor, it's a direct indication that it's worth postponing for another time. Get in the habit of recording broadcasts and reviewing feedback before you try to go live. 

Even if you're not nervous about "live" presentations, you really shouldn't consider any webinar software that doesn't allow you to record. Your presentation may interest people from all over the world. There are countless other reasons why they won't be able to connect at a time when you are most comfortable delivering it.

Don't lose an audience because of an inconvenient schedule. Instead, use a platform that doesn't make it a restriction. Fortunately, this is becoming the rule rather than the exception, so you shouldn't have much of a problem.