Most password managers protect your passwords with another password, usually called a master password. Standalone password managers will ask you to create a master password when you start using them. If you use the Google Chrome browser to store and share passwords across devices, your passwords will be stored by Google and protected by your Google account password (along with any second factors you may use). Apple's iCloud keychain relies primarily on your device passwords and unlock features to regularly protect your data, but has a backup master password called the iCloud security code.

  1. What password manager will I use?

  2. How do I regain access to my passwords if I lose my devices and/or master password?

  3. How will I keep my master password until I remember it?

  4. Which devices should I install a password manager on?

  5. Which of these devices will need a more robust authentication mechanism so that someone who uses or steals that device can't get all of my passwords?

  6. Which of these devices would need stricter security measures to protect against malware that could steal all my passwords?

  7. Which of my passwords should not be stored in the password manager?

  8. For which of my accounts should the password manager create new random passwords? (Don't forget that it can generate but not store passwords for accounts you don't want to manage.

How to choose the best password manager 


Let's be honest: recollecting many usernames and passwords is a troublesome endeavor. The present normal individual has around 27 passwords, but proficient clients can undoubtedly have hundreds. 


Secret key supervisors are a program that assists you with getting yourself from programmers by setting up and putting away extraordinary passwords for every one of your web-based records, lessening the weight of having a ton of passwords. These administrations keep your login data behind a solitary encoded key, known as an expert secret word (the only one you need to bear in mind), and can likewise log you in to every one of your #1 sites naturally.


So what is undeniably significant to search for in the secret key chief? 


1. Advantageous login highlights across all stages and gadgets. 

When set up, a decent secret word chief will actually want to store limitless login information, permitting you to safely explore between stages on the entirety of your gadgets, regardless of whether they are running something very similar or diverse programming. Autofill highlights incorporate programmed a single tick login or login so you can undoubtedly move from your PC to your tablet or telephone. 


2. Security highlights. 

A solid secret phrase chief ought to be founded on cutting edge cryptographic calculations, for example, SHA-256. Most projects utilize two-factor verification (2FA) or biometrics. This adds a solid layer of safety by connecting what you know (say, your secret word) to what you have, for example, your unique finger impression or mobile phone. At long last, the program you pick ought to incorporate a solid secret key generator. These applications make complex passwords whose length and characters can be tweaked by the secret key prerequisites for each record. 


3. Сrisis and restrictive access 

Crisis and restrictive access will permit you to set up a crisis contact on the off chance that you lose admittance to your record. Try not to try and consider secret key directors that don't offer any crisis access. Note that since all of your data is scrambled, secret key chief help administrations can not open or reestablish admittance to your record if the expert secret phrase is lost. It's ideal to pick an expert secret key as a significant expression that main you will recall.


4. Security alerts

Most password managers now offer web monitoring and security alerts, monitor your email and Internet password information, cross-check for known data leaks to let you know if any of your personal information has been compromised. You can also set up security alerts to inform you of any suspicious activity with your email or someone trying to gain access using your credentials.


5. Support

Finally, it's important to know what level of support you'll get when you need it. There is no point in centralized password management if you lose access to all of your saved accounts, personal documents and credit card information. Look for services that offer 24/7 chat or phone support to help with organizational issues, as well as assistance in cases of emergency lockouts. Phone or chat support should be preferable to those services that only handle calls with emails, which can keep you waiting a week or more.