Best A/B testing tools 2024

Optimonk (A/B testing) - review, pricing, alternatives

Optimonk (A/B testing)

3 Reviews
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Unbounce (A/B testing) - review, pricing, alternatives

Unbounce (A/B testing)

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VWO (A/B testing) - review, pricing, alternatives

VWO (A/B testing)

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Plerdy (A/B testing) - review, pricing, alternatives

Plerdy (A/B testing)

3 Reviews
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Zoho (A/B testing) - review, pricing, alternatives

Zoho (A/B testing)

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Best for beginners

Последние отзывы

It is not necessary to run A/B testing on all pages of your website. It's best to focus on the key pages that have the biggest impact on conversions and user experience, such as landing pages, product pages, shopping cart, and checkout page. 

Running tests on these pages will allow you to see the biggest impact on your business performance. Once you get positive results on these pages, you can expand your testing to other parts of your site.

The duration of A/B testing depends on the amount of traffic on your site and the goals of the test. 

Typically, you should run the test for at least one full business cycle (e.g., one week or one month) to account for all possible variations in user behavior. 

It is important to make sure that the sample of users is large enough to achieve statistical significance of the results. Use special calculators to determine the required sample size and duration of testing.

One of the main mistakes is not defining the goals of testing before starting it. Clearly state what exactly you want to improve and what indicators will be affected by the changes.

Another common mistake is running tests on too small a sample, which can lead to unreliable results. Make sure you have enough traffic to achieve statistical significance. 

Finally, don't modify the test while it's running, as this can affect the results. Always complete the test according to the predefined plan and only then analyze the results.

How to choose the best A/B testing tools 2024 

A/B testing (or split testing) is a method of comparing two or more versions of a web page, UI element, marketing campaign, or other content to determine which version performs better. As part of this testing, users are randomly divided into groups, where one group (control) sees the original version (A) and the other (experimental) sees the modified version (B). The results are then compared to see which version provides better performance.

Business value

A/B testing is a critical business tool for several reasons:

Conversion optimization:

  • Determining the most effective elements of a page or campaign to increase conversions (e.g., number of purchases, registrations, subscriptions).

Improving user experience:

  • Improving the user interface and interaction with the site, leading to increased user satisfaction.

Risk mitigation:

  • Hypothesis testing before full-scale implementation of changes, which avoids the risks and costs associated with wrong decisions.

Data for decision-making:

  • Providing objective data to help make decisions based on real user behavioral patterns.

Increase ROI:

  • Optimizing marketing efforts and resources to get better results at a lower cost.

Examples of use


  • Testing different variations of the Buy Now button to increase conversion rates.

  • Testing different product page designs to see which one drives more purchases.


  • Testing different email subject lines to determine which one has the highest open and click-through rates.

  • Comparing different email formats and content to increase the number of clicks on links.

Landing pages:

  • Testing different headlines and CTAs on landing pages to increase form completion and lead generation.

  • Testing different images, videos, and textual content to find out which content resonates better with your audience.


  • Testing different versions of ads (banners, video, text) to increase CTR and ROI.

  • Testing different target audiences and ad times to optimize campaigns.

Mobile applications:

  • Testing different navigation options and interface elements to improve the user experience.

  • Testing different versions of the welcome or registration screen to increase downloads and signups.

A/B testing allows businesses to continuously improve their products and marketing strategies based on real-world data, which ensures sustainable development and competitive advantage.

Criteria for choosing an A/B testing service

The key aspect when choosing an A/B testing service is its functionality. It is important to determine what types of tests the service supports. The most common among them are A/B tests, where two versions of an element or page are compared, and A/B/n tests, where you can compare more than two versions at the same time. Some services also offer multivariate testing, which allows you to test several elements at the same time by combining their different variants.

Targeting and segmentation are equally important. The service should have the ability to customize tests for specific audience segments, taking into account parameters such as demographics, behavioral features, or traffic sources. Dynamic variant shuffling is another useful feature that allows you to automatically change versions of test items for different users, which ensures a more even distribution of traffic and increases the accuracy of the results.

Analysis of results is the basis of any A/B testing. The service should provide detailed analytics and data visualization capabilities so that you can easily interpret the results and make informed decisions.

  • Integrations

Integration with other tools is an important factor when choosing a service. For example, integration with web analytics (Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics) allows you to get more detailed data on user behavior and test performance. Support for various CMS (WordPress, Drupal) and e-commerce platforms (Shopify, Magento) provides flexibility and ease of use of the service on your website. Integration with CRM and other marketing tools allows you to analyze the results more accurately and use the data to further optimize your marketing strategies.

  • User experience (UX)

The user interface should be intuitive and easy to use. Ease of setup and use is a critical aspect, especially if your employees do not have deep technical knowledge. It is important that the service has good documentation and support to help you quickly resolve issues and problems.

  • Analytics and reporting

The depth of analytical capabilities determines how detailed you can analyze test results. Data visualization makes it easy to interpret the results, and the ability to export data and access to APIs allows you to integrate test results with other systems and tools you use.

  • Technical support

The availability of technical support is an important factor, especially when you encounter complex or unclear issues. The speed of response and the quality of assistance can make a big difference to your work efficiency. It is also helpful if the service has an active user community and forums where you can share experiences and get advice from other users.

  • Pricing policy

Pricing should be in line with your business budget. It is important to consider the availability of free plans or trial versions that allow you to evaluate the service's capabilities before making a purchase. The cost of additional features should also be considered to avoid unforeseen expenses in the future.

  • Security and privacy

Data protection is a critical aspect, especially if you work with confidential information. The service should comply with standards and regulations such as GDPR to ensure that it meets the requirements of data security and privacy.

Practical tips for choosing an A/B testing service

Defining your testing goals is a key step in the process of choosing an A/B testing service. You need to clearly understand what exactly you want to achieve with the help of testing. It can be increasing conversions on the website, optimizing user experience, increasing the average order value, or improving customer retention rates. Defining specific goals will allow you to choose the service that is best suited to achieve these results.

The scope of testing also plays an important role in choosing a service. If you plan to run large-scale and complex tests with a large number of variants, you will need a service with powerful capabilities for managing and analyzing large amounts of data. If you intend to run simpler tests, you can choose a less expensive and less complex service.

The specifics of your audience are another important aspect. Understanding your audience's characteristics and behavioral traits will help you choose a service that supports the targeting and segmentation functions you need. For example, if your customers are located in different geographical regions, you may need geo-targeting capabilities.

1. Test drive services

Using free versions and trial periods is an effective way to evaluate the functionality and usability of different services. Most services offer free plans or trial periods, which allows you to explore their features without risk and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Testing several services for comparison will help you understand which one provides the best features and interface for your specific tasks. You can compare them by criteria such as ease of test setup, quality of technical support, depth of analytics, and other important factors.

2. Feedback

Reading reviews of other users is a useful source of information about the real experience of using various services. Reviews can give you an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of the service, help you avoid possible problems, and choose the most reliable option.

Communication with service representatives can help you get answers to specific questions that arise during the selection process. You can ask about the details of technical support, integration capabilities, and get a demonstration of the service, which will help you make a more informed decision.

3. Making the final decision

Weighing all the factors is the final stage in the process of choosing a service. After evaluating the functionality, user interface, pricing, technical support, and other important aspects, you will be able to determine which service best meets your business needs.

Choosing the service that best meets your business needs should be based on a comprehensive analysis and comparison. It is important to consider all key criteria and feedback to choose the service that will provide the best results and help you achieve your goals.

​Bottom line

Choosing the best A/B testing service is a critical step for any business looking to optimize their website or app and improve conversion rates and user experience. Considering key criteria such as functionality, integrations, user experience, analytics and reporting, technical support, pricing, security, and privacy will help you make an informed choice.

The functionality should meet the needs of your business, providing support for different types of tests, targeting and segmentation, dynamic shuffling of options, and detailed analysis of results. Integration with web analytics, CMS, e-commerce platforms, and other marketing tools contributes to the more efficient use of the service. A simple and intuitive interface, good documentation, and support are also important for convenient use.

The analytical capabilities of the service should be deep enough to provide accurate and understandable results that can be easily interpreted and used for further optimization. The availability of technical support, response time, and an active user community are important aspects that help solve problems and get the help you need.

The pricing policy should be in line with your business budget, taking into account the availability of free plans or trials, as well as the cost of additional features. Data security and confidentiality are critical, especially for businesses that work with sensitive information, so the service must meet all the necessary standards and regulations.

To summarize, choosing an A/B testing service is a multi-step process that requires careful analysis and comparison. Identifying business needs, test driving services, getting feedback from users and service representatives, and weighing all the factors will allow you to choose the service that best suits your business goals.